Professional Property Investor and Educator (and secret Jedi)
Property Investment is in my blood! I love it. I started my property investment journey in 1996 and now, as a professional investor I am one of the biggest cheerleaders (I don’t look good in a cheerleader skirt though) for the difference it can make in the lives of everyday people.
The only thing which fires me up more than property investing is training and educating others. I think it’s my life’s mission. Wayne Dyer (legend) said “Don’t Die with your music still in you”. I love that quote; it is so poignant. I discovered my ‘music’ is when I am training, speaking, sharing, and supporting other people.
Don’t worry though, the old saying “Those who can’t do…Teach” Doesn’t apply here. The whole team here ‘do’. And we teach. And we have a lot of fun (often at my expense) doing it.
I know I’m supposed to do the whole self-aggrandizing biography thing here, but I’d rather meet you and chat about the journey. Here are the highlights though so at least you know I have the experience to help you:

Professional Property Investor with over 20 years’ experience, including through multiple property cycles (yes, that’s VERY important)
Specialist in Negotiation, Sourcing deals, Building sustainable portfolios which survive through downturns and deliver long term wealth (I measure ‘wealth’ in time, not money – How long can you afford to live the lifestyle you want without a J.O.B)
Ex-Top Selling Real Estate agent (Top 1% in New Zealand, with my business partner, Arn) involved in literally thousands of negotiations
Investor in multiple asset classes
Professionally trained coach and trainer
Personal Development and Growth junkie (investment in own education in excess of $77,000)
Professional mistake maker. I love mistakes, they make me grow and ultimately make me wealthy. Don’t worry though, we make the mistakes so that you don’t have to, we know what can go wrong so we can keep you safe. Good deal aye.
Terrible singer (seriously. Awful. Like a chainsaw with no oil)
You get the picture so that’s enough of that stuff.
I love our Assetlab community and am proud to be a part of it. I hope you can join us on the journey, it’s WELL WORTH IT!