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Meet the Assetlab Team

Assetlab Team

We would LOVE to hear from you! We love to talk about property and help you with your property challenges and goals. It’s what we do (and we’re really good at it. Whew!)

Breathe easy, we don’t hold ourselves out to be Guru’s, Super-Stars, Masters-Of-The-Property-Universe, or anything other than who we are. Our expertise is in property and helping people achieve success in property but we are a team of normal Kiwi’s who love to help.

Stay on touch with ALL of the team and get lots of free training by joining our Facebook community HERE.

Here we are (mug-shots and all):


Sally is one of Assetlab’s awesome property coaches and along with James is one of the team’s trading and renovation experts. She is a highly experienced property trader and has traded and/or renovated over 100 properties. She also has a growing rental portfolio of positive cashflow properties, and is an absolute Energizer-Bunny with a wealth of knowledge which she LOVES to share!


Phil is co-founder of Assetlab and also a property coach for our awesome clients. He has over 20 years of experience in property investment and was also a top-selling (Top 1%) real estate agent. He has been involved in literally thousands of property transactions, and has expertise in building sustainable portfolios which last through the good times and the bad, to build financial security and a Legacy to leave behind.


16 Property transactions in his FIRST YEAR with hardly any money and no job!

That pretty much sums James up nicely. If there is a way, he will find it, and he does nothing by halves. He is one of Assetlab’s passionate coaches and an expert in trading and renovation.

As a full-time trader, investor, and renovator, since 2013 there isn’t much James can’t find a solution to. The 16 transaction in ‘year one’ were mostly ‘no-money-down deals’ due to the fact he had very little money and had to apply strategies to help build up enough equity to be able to move forward at a pace he wanted.

He has applied sounds strategies to build a ‘Buy & Hold’ property portfolio, while trading over 50 houses and renovating over 60 more along with Sally.


Arn is the co-founder of Assetlab and a coach for our valued clients. He has a substantial investment portfolio (in the 10’s of millions of $) and has expertise in building sustainable portfolios, trading, renovation, and is now expanding his experience into development. Arn was a ‘Top 1%’ real estate agent for many years and is an expert in property negotiation.

He is also outwardly PASSIONATE about property and helping Kiwi’s achieve their property success goals!


David Windler is the Director of The Mortgage Supply Company and is one of New Zealand’s leading mortgage advisers (Mortgage Broker of the Year for the past two years!) and is passionate about providing tailor-made solutions for his clients.

A broker for the past eleven years and a mobile manager for two years prior to that, David prides himself in delivering excellent results no matter the complexity of the situation, from first home buyer to multi-property investor.

Having spent a decade at Auckland Cricket, working to develop elite athletes and coaches, he uses this experience in his work as an advisor. “Good advisors are like good coaches: they empower, educate, and lead.”


Glynis Carter (B.Com, C.A. PP) is a Partner and Business Advisor at Monteck Carter Chartered Accountants. She first became a partner in a chartered accounting practice in 1993. Prior to that she worked for Ernst & Young, with a brief stint in the UK.

She has a wealth of experience in advising the SME sector, with a focus on property developers and investors, the use of family trusts, and a holistic approach to assist her clients to achieve their business and private goals.

A Rotarian of 20 years, Glynis is also committed to serving the community & encouraging philanthropic giving in and for Auckland.

When you are ready, here’s how we can help you succeed:

1) Join our Facebook page for free training, updates, and chat.

2) Join us at an upcoming course or workshop. Subscribe to stay in the loop or check out our homepage: Events on our Homepage.

3) Get in touch for a chat about how we can help you with our selection of programs and coaching options.

4) Check out the incredible value in the Assetlab Masterclass HERE


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