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Property Tips for October!

Assetlab Team

I’m subscribed to a famous marketing person’s email list and he sends out little bits of insight every morning.

And every morning I read it.

Why? Because it’s tiny, bite-sized, and useful.

So for the rest of October, I’m going to provide you property tips from our team which are relevant to your investment success and growth.

And each one you will be able to read in under 60 seconds.

None of them will give any financial advice of course, because we can't do that but they will be 'food for thought'.

Here is the first one:

Right now the market is NZ is in a downturn in most areas.

Nothing unexpected here, downturns follow booms like night follows day. And this last boom was a beast!

The problem is if you haven't been through this all before, it can cause a lot of uncertainty. Uncertainty can turn to fear. And we don't make good decisions when we're fearful, in fact, we make really bad ones.

One of the ways to overcome this fear is to ignore the BS in the media and look at what actually IS happening in your chosen area. To be a market expert, who functions on facts, not opinion, hype, or fear-based narrative.

ONE way you can do this (among many others) can be done from the comfort of your couch;

Watch online auctions in your target area.

Not only do you up-skill on auction processes, tactics, strategies, but you will get a weekly 'up-to-the-minute' update of the vibe and pulse of the market. It's invaluable.

For example, many of our team operate in South Auckland. Every week we tune in to the Ray White Manukau Auctions (among others) as they are experts in the auction space and then we debrief the results. They are on tomorrow arvo if you want to tune in and check it out. Here's the link

Or find the agencies in your target area and tune in to their auctions every week, and then follow up the post-auction sales to get a broader picture.


And, since where the market is going at the moment is a mystery to many, some of these tips will be followed by a 'mystery link'.

Will the link take you to something related to the day’s tip?

Will it be something useful in a completely different way?

Will it be completely unrelated to investment but we think it's cool?

Or will it feature some random, weird bit of Assetlab-ness having nothing to do with anything?

You’ll have to click on the link to find out.



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